Christian Science Nursing Education

A deep desire to serve God through the healing ministry of Christian Science nursing brings opportunities for spiritual growth. 

“Christian Science Nurse. SECT. 31.  A member of the Mother Church who represents himself or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice, who thoroughly understands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room, and who can take proper care of the sick.

The cards of such persons may be inserted in The Christian Science Journal under rules established by the publishers.”

Mary Baker Eddy, Manual of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, p. 49

Recent Retreat at Glenmont

Classes Include:

A Retreat into the Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing: What Every Christian Scientist Should Know About Christian Science Nursing

5 Days $300
Open to all serious students of Christian Science. Financial assistance available. Please contact us to apply or for any questions.

Learn about The First Church of Christ, Scientist Manual by-law “Christian Science Nurse” (p. 49), “God’s Requirement” (p. 77), Aids in Sickness (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 495), the Christian Science Nursing Scope of Services, and more. We will cover a bit of the history of Christian Science nursing as well as review and practice practical skills for supporting others and preparing light nourishment. Resources for care needs will be shared.

Housing for the Retreat may be available at Glenmont. Please mention your need when submitting your application.

For a list of local hotels, contact our Office Manager at

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing, Level I and Level II

Each level is a minimum of 9 weeks and each costs $3000. These two levels are taught consecutively.

Level I

Begins with the Retreat described above.

Students learn the standards of Christian Science nursing, skills, and care options of assistive care and light bed care; care of patient’s environment; nourishment; communication.

This course is immediately followed by Level II.

Level II

This course builds on the metaphysical foundation and ethics already presented and is a comprehensive training in the areas of giving care in bed, assistance with mobility, nourishment, and assessment skills. There is an introduction to cleansing and bandaging and support for those experiencing mental needs and immediate care needs.

Level II is followed by at least 1,500 hours of mentoring (daily nurturing oversight combined with periods of side-by-side instruction). This course is a pre-requisite for Level III.

Please contact Sandy Kincaid-Scott, Director of Christian Science Nursing Education in Ohio to inquire about applying for Level I and / or Level II.

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing, Level III

10-month course, including 180 hours of classroom training combined with mentoring $3000

This course of training includes a full review of the ethics and skills already presented in Levels I and II. It includes comprehensive training in giving care to those with wounds and to those experiencing mental needs and immediate care needs; an introduction on giving care to children; enrichment for communication and assessment skills.

This course is a pre-requisite for Level IV.

Please contact Sandy Kincaid-Scott, Director of Christian Science Nursing Education in Ohio to inquire about applying.

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing, Level IV

12-month course, including 180 hours of classroom training, mentoring, and mentored supervision experience $3000

Includes a grand review of ethics, standards, skills, and care options; instruction and mentoring; leadership and management; supervision; workshop facilitation and presentation. This course is required in order to complete the training program.

Please contact Sandy Kincaid-Scott, Director of Christian Science Nursing Education in Ohio to inquire about applying.

ALL Levels require a period of side-by-side mentoring in a recognized Christian Science nursing facility.

Qualifications for all courses

  • Member of the Mother Church

  • Eighteen years or older

  • Physically able to perform the required activities

  • Completing or completed primary Christian Science class instruction from an authorized teacher of Christian Science

  • Dedicated Christian Scientist with a firm, clear sense of the mission of Christian Science and its healing ministry

Glenmont is committed to:

  • Thoroughly preparing Christian Science nurses to pursue inspired healing ministries in a variety of settings.

  • Emphasizing spiritual study and growth as the primary component of each Christian Science nurse’s work.

  • Supporting each Christian Science nurse’s progress at his or her own pace.

  • Freeing Christian Science nurses from a false sense of responsibility for patients’ healing, while at the same time encouraging each apprentice to be a transparency for divine Love — a window through which Christ’s light will shine into patients’ hearts.

  • Supporting international Christian Scientists committed to the healing ministry of Christian Science nursing.

  • Experienced Christian Science nurses not employed by Glenmont are eligible to enroll in a class and / or mentoring to refresh or increase their skills and to gain a deeper understanding of the ethics of Christian Science nursing and its healing effect.

Other Opportunities for Individuals Participating in Glenmont's Ministry Include:

  • Individual "Learning Contracts"

  • Mentoring and evaluation of skills

  • Workshops

  • Skill reviews and updates

  • Continuing education for Journal-listed Christian Science nurses

    Please contact Jennifer Ewell for more information.


  • Christian Science nurses working on the Christian Science nursing floor (and planning to continue work at Glenmont) are eligible for pay.  However, completion of a class is not a guarantee of employment.

  • Meals and housing are usually available for a reasonable fee

If you have received the required acceptance letter from Glenmont and need financial assistance, please contact the Albert Baker Fund.