Christian Science Nursing Education

A deep desire to serve God, by being active in the healing ministry of Christian Science Nursing, brings opportunities for spiritual growth. As one explores the Church Manual by-lawChristian Science Nurse”, a better understanding of the role of the Christian Science nurse as a Christian healer with the practical wisdom and ability to provide proper care becomes clear.

Christian Science Nurse. SECT. 31.  A member of the Mother Church who represents himself or herself as a Christian Science nurse shall be one who has a demonstrable knowledge of Christian Science practice, who thoroughly understands the practical wisdom necessary in a sick room, and who can take proper care of the sick.

The cards of such persons may be inserted in The Christian Science Journal under rules established by the publishers.

(The Manual of the Mother Churchp. 49 )

Classes Include:

A Retreat into the Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing: What Every Christian Scientist Should Know About Christian Science Nursing

5 Days $300 (as of February 1, 2025)
Open to all serious students of Christian Science. Financial assistance available. Please contact us.

Learn about The First Church of Christ, Scientist Manual by-law “Christian Science Nurse” (p. 49), “God’s Requirement” (p. 77), Aids in Sickness (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 495), the Christian Science Nursing Scope of Services, and more. We will cover a bit of the history of Christian Science nursing as well as review and practice practical skills for supporting others and preparing light nourishment. Resources for care needs will be shared.

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing I: 9 Week Course $2500 Begins with the Intro class described above.

Christian Science nursing ethics, standards, skills, & care options for giving assistive care & bed care; care of patients’ environment; nourishment; communication; basic cleansing, covering, and bandaging; supportive response to those experiencing an immediate care need.

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing II: 9 Week Course $2500 Advanced Care for Patients in Bed, Mental Needs, and Special Nourishment Needs.

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing Levels I & II Consecutive:

  • a minimum of 18 weeks classroom;

  • a minimum of 6 weeks of one-on-one mentoring;

  • followed by supervised In-Ministry Shepherding, including periodic side-by-side mentoring, until all Level II skill proficiencies and discernment requirements have been satisfied.

  • Special accommodations for any student may result in an extension of the classroom time frame. If a student does not successfully complete the objectives of the course by the close of class, that student may apply for additional classroom instruction and training and an opportunity to complete the material in order to remain in the program.

  • Mentoring time will be based on the individual demonstration of each Christian Science nursing apprentice.

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing III: 6 Week Course $3000 Cleansing and Bandaging; Responding to Sudden Needs. Review of Christian Science nursing ethics, standards, & skills; giving care to those with wounds and to those experiencing immediate needs; Intro to giving care to children; Review of Christian Science nursing skills; communication and assessment skills.

The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing IV: 5 Week Course $3000 Supervision and Management, Mentoring Instruction and a Full Review of The Healing Ministry of Christian Science Nursing. Grand review of Christian Science nursing ethics, standards, skills, & care options; instruction & mentoring; leadership, management, & supervision; workshop facilitation.

Glenmont Is Committed To:

  • Preparing Christian Science nurses thoroughly to pursue inspired healing ministries.

  • Emphasizing spiritual study and growth as the primary component of each Christian Science nurse’s work.

  • Supporting each Christian Science nurse’s progress at his or her own pace.

  • Freeing Christian Science nurses from a false sense of responsibility for patients’ healing, while at the same time encouraging each apprentice to be a transparency for divine Love — a window through which Christ’s light will shine into patients’ hearts.

  • Supporting international Christian Scientists committed to the healing ministry of Christian Science Nursing.

  • Experienced Christian Science nurses not employed by Glenmont are eligible to enroll in a class to refresh or increase their skills and to gain a deeper understanding of the ethics of Christian Science nursing and its healing effect.

Other Opportunities for Individuals Participating in Glenmont's Ministry Include:

  • Individual "Learning Contracts"

  • Mentoring and evaluation of skills

  • Workshops

  • Skill reviews and updates

For current class information, click here.

Ideally, applicants should be:

  • Members of the Mother Church

  • Eighteen years or older

  • Physically able to perform the required activities

  • Completing/in completion of primary Christian Science class instruction from an authorized teacher of Christian Science

  • Dedicated Christian Scientists with a firm, clear sense of the mission of Christian Science and its healing ministry

Compensation and Course Fees:

  • Please call to ask for our current course fees

  • Financial assistance may be available through the Albert Baker Fund and from Glenmont

  • Christian Science nurses working on the Christian Science nursing floor (and planning to continue work at Glenmont) are eligible for pay.  However, completion of a class is not a guarantee of employment.

  • Meals and housing are usually available on-site for a reasonable fee

For financial assistance contact the Albert Baker Fund